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Packed like sardines. Busting at the seams. Maximum capacity.
Whichever way you spin it, we’re full! Small house, big family means it can be crazy, chaotic, and… interesting? We may very well be packed like sardines, but we aim to be content in our sardine-ness.
Almost twenty years ago, when we bought this house, we assumed it to be a “starter house.” We had no idea that we would still be living in the same 1500 sq ft house eight kids later. We recently added on about 280 square feet, which gained us a bathroom, a bedroom, and a larger dining room. Whew!
There are times when it feels really tight. Truthfully, it can be downright frustrating with ten people, especially when eight of them stay home all day most days. And then the rainy days–oh, the rainy days!
Related post: Finding Joy When Joy Seems Lost
Call to Be Content
A few years ago I was very convicted about my constant desire for “bigger” and “more.” Certain scriptures kept coming back to me. Verses like…
Matthew 6:25-26–
1 Timothy 6:6-7–
6 But godliness with contentment is great gain. 7 For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it.
How can you be content when you feel like you live in a sardine can?
I must confess, that I don’t always feel the peace that I felt that day on the swing when the conviction to be content hit me. And sometimes, I still want to start over.
But we are choosing (continuing to choose) to focus on what we do have rather than what we don’t. When you live in a culture in which things are very important and label who you are, that’s tough.
Think back to your grandparents’ house, your great-grandparents’ house. Typically, houses were much smaller. Actually, 100 years ago, the average house size was 700 to 1,000 sq ft with one or two bedrooms and maybe a bathroom. (Chicago Tribune) Couple that with the fact that family sizes were typically larger, and you have a “sardine can.”
I remember my mom telling a story about how she and two of her sisters shared not only a bedroom, but one full-sized bed. The house did have three bedrooms (parent room, boy room, girls’ room), but it was small and didn’t have a bathroom for many years. And yet, she remembered fondly and enjoyed telling me how they were content in their tiny house.
Related Post: Change Your Perspective: From “Have to” to “Get to”
Bottom line: Focus on what you do have!
A Gentle Reminder
When I struggle with wanting more, I’m reminded through Scripture to be content in this cozy little house. I remember the warmth, the laughter, the comfort, and the love in these four walls. We brought all eight of our babies home to this little house, and right now, I want to enjoy those memories right here.
What about you? Where are you in your journey?
Listen, it’s okay if you have a big house, but it’s also okay if you have a tiny one. What matters is that you are content with where you are. I know that’s hard! If you are feeling uncertain about where you are in life, take a step back and try to be thankful for where you are.
Let us find joy by remembering God’s promises, remembering the blessings, remembering what we do have, and remembering where we’ve been.
❤ I love this. ❤
🙂 Keeping it real!
I love you my sister! Great post!!
Thank you! I love you, too, little sister!
It’s great knowing there are other Moms out there dealing with life, just as I am. Thank you for sharing.
Angie, I’m so glad you are here! 🙂 It’s better in the trenches when you know someone is with you, isn’t it?
There’s just something about a small, humble house where everyone is close in proximity AND relationship. Hang in there. There’s a lot of love in that house of yours. Love this sweet post.
You are so right! Thank you for encouraging me! 🙂
Very well said, as always! You are a true encouragement to me. We’re sooo looking forward to downsizing. This house is getting to be too much for us, especially as we’re rocketing toward becoming empty-nesters. Bigger is not necessarily better.
You don’t know what an encouragement you are to me! 🙂
I LOVED IT! It is so amazing how things change when our attitude changes. Thank you so much for thinking of me and sharing!
Attitude definitely has everything to do with it!
We’ve been struggling with the opposite, do we stay in a large house with enough room for kids to run around when it’s freezing outside and the snow is too deep for a toddler to walk, or do we move to more acreage and try to get minimal and get rid of TONS of stuff just to squeeze in? I just don’t know what’s right. The small property needs tons of work, this property needs none. This property has downsides like the annoying association with its rules (no solar panels, no chickens) and our enormous electric and gas bills. … But we would incur more debt to live in a smaller space that needs a ton of work, with our 4 children. I’ve been praying for guidance since we began thinking about it, and your post might be the answer to my prayers. Just be content where you are at! This is fine, we can make the yard more secluded some how and just make it work. Life is so short and I don’t want to spend the rest of my kids’ childhoods trying to make a new house a home for us all. Thank you!
Andrea, first, thanks for stopping by! Second, I’ll be completely transparent: I go through phases of being content and I have to remind myself. Honestly, I wouldn’t want to incur more debt, BUT, sometimes that may be necessary. We are getting ready to close in our carport so that we can have a couple hundred extra square feet–we NEED it! We are busting at the seams. And while that will cause us to have more debt, it’s what we need. I’d continue to pray and seek the Lord’s guidance, but while you wait for an answer, seeking contentment helps!
We are planning on moving to a 1,064 sq ft house, also a family of 8. Looking for encouragement towards this journey. Thank u for your real and raw post.
It will be different, but you can do it!
Thank you for sharing encouragement, scripture, honesty and your conviction to be content. You, Brian Lynn, have boosted my spirits and I have once again fallen in love with our home. We are in our early 60s, no children except one fur baby and our home is a 435sf cottage. But more like a single car garage! It is a studio with two rooms, bathroom and “multi-purpose” room. I have been learning how to pare down and yet I was wanting our 1125sf duplex back!! But I am finding that many people are envious of what we live in! Tha k you for sharing, you helped me! I will keep watching your posts!
Blessings from our tictac container to your sardine can! ☺️
“Blessings from our tictac container to your sardine can!” Lynette, that is the best! I’m so glad you found encouragement here! 🙂
God Bless you!!!