Hello and welcome! It’s so good to have you here!
I’ve lived all my life in the rural South, and I’m just a country girl at heart. I love wide open fields, going barefoot, late evenings on the front porch with the hubs, and being a mom. Oh, and coffee.
My husband and I met in junior high. We became high school sweethearts a few years later, and three years after that, we got married. The rest, as they say, is history! We are now parents to eight wonderful children.
Following the adoption of our third child, I knew that I needed (and wanted) to be home with my children. And so, we decided that we would work towards that goal. After another year teaching middle grades English, I did just that!
I have never looked back. That’s not to say there aren’t hard days that make me want to give up, but I know my calling: to be home, teaching my kids, managing my home, and being a helper to my husband.
Our family blossomed and grew, becoming bigger than either of us ever dreamed!

How did all the girls get blonde hair, and all the boys get brown??
While I love and cherish (though, admittedly not enough) these treasures, it’s not all roses.
It’s not pretty all the time. The truth is, it’s downright yucky sometimes.
Being in the trenches of life is hard. It’s scary, and frustrating, and it seems like it’s never going to end. When I am in the trenches (and I almost always am), I can’t see past the dirt and yuck in front of me. Maybe you know that feeling.
Life as a wife and a mom can be very demanding and challenging. Often, those challenges bring discouragement and the feeling of being alone.
That’s why I am here. I want to always be honest with you, to share my struggles, share my trench-life. There are two reasons: 1) I have very often felt so isolated and alone and that no one really gets it. Therefore, I want to be open and transparent in an effort to help you know you are NOT alone. 2) I want to be an encouragement when you do feel that way and urge us all to find joy in the trenches.
The goal here is to offer encouragement as we manage our families and our homes–a boost to get us to that next moment.
As women of faith, our calling is to encourage and teach one another. Join me in finding hope and joy even as we find ourselves in–and maneuver through–life’s everyday trenches!