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As you know, we have a house full of kids! We’ve brought 7 babies home from the hospital, and one straight from Manila, Philippines. Like all mothers, I remember each one.
The thing is, we only get to do it once with each baby. We only get those first few weeks one time. And while they are crazy-hard times–as you try to figure out and navigate the newness of each precious treasure–you want to remember and cherish everything about those first weeks home.
The things I wish someone would have shared with me, I’m sharing at Surviving Toddlerhood! Admittedly, I’m not sure my 24 year-old self would have listened because I was strong. And I felt I had something to prove.
The part that saddens me is that my time of experiencing those weeks is over. Oh, there’s more goodness to experience as my children grow, but I wish I had done a better job of taking it slow and relishing everything about it.
The days will be long, but the years oh so short. Enjoy each stage as much as you can, and then some. When you feel like you can’t stand the sleepless nights not even one more night, remember that it will pass. They will sleep, and you will miss the snuggles.
Oh, Mama! You have just done the most amazing thing: you brought a life into this world!
You have taken in the smell of that sweet treasure, kissed her head 10,000 times already, nuzzled her neck again and again, and run your fingers across the tiny fingers and toes. She’s close enough to perfect for you to stare at and snuggle with for–well, forever.
Except it’s time to go back home, back to your “normal” – wife, mom to other littles, home manager. At least that’s what they tell us….
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