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I meant I wasn’t going to homeschool my kids. If you had told me in my college years that I would be one of those “homeschooling moms,” I most likely would have laughed at you. For starters, I wasn’t smart enough to teach every subject. Secondly, I didn’t want my kids to be *those* nerdy homeschool kids.
You know, it’s funny in a way. For an education class in college, I had to do research in the form of an interview of a homeschool family. I chose to interview the only homeschooling mom that I knew of at the time, Mrs. V. While I love her and have always liked chatting with her, I did not want to follow after her. So, I made up my mind right then that I would never do that to myself or my kids.
God’s plans often aren’t our plans.
Fast forward about 15 years, and here I am–homeschooling mom to not just two kids, but eight, six of which are school-age. I don’t know about you, but crow isn’t my favorite dish if you know what I mean. I’m sure God laughs at my unwillingness to bend when he bends me anyway.
Perhaps it’s kind of like a scene here in our house: HR is our most stubborn child, and when she gets something in her mind to do or not to do, she’s not giving in. Sometimes, as I move her or try to explain to her, I get tickled at that severely over-exaggerated pout face. I can imagine God chuckling as He gently (or maybe not so gently) moves me in the direction I should be going.
He did that in an old cemetery, and it changed me. While I never intended to bring my kids home and teach them myself, I know that was God’s plan for us. His plans are often far from our own.
The extra nudge toward homeschooling
At that time in my life, I followed and regularly read a blog by a large-family, orphan-loving, Jesus-serving, homeschooling mom. It was then called Place Called Simplicity.
The post I remember so well was one in response to her homeschooling post giving a run-down of what her day looks like. I was so far from sure about what we were getting ready to do that I could use all the encouragement I could find! Here’s what she said; I’ll never forget it.
“…if any of you guys are even remotely thinkin’ about takin’ the plunge and giving homeschooling a try….here is what I have told others who have come to me and said they were considering it…..Try it. Your kid will not be ruined by one year of homeschooling. In fact there is a strong likelihood that you will enjoy it and I promise that you will never, ever regret that one year. You will have fun, maybe amidst moments of craziness, but you will not regret it.” [You Guys Sure Made Me Laugh]
I knew I read that post for a reason. Even thought I had committed to homeschooling the following school year, I didn’t have a clue what it might look like. And knowing that after a year if I hated it that I could throw in the towel? I knew I could do anything for a year. Just a year.
Linny was right. I do not love what I do every single day, but I do love who I spend my days with. They grate my nerves in some way, most days, but I’d rather spend my days with them than anyone else. Some days I do want to line them up and “parade them all down to the local school for enrollment.”
I’m not super smart, and this upper-level math content and frog dissection? I have to pass off to Daddy. But when I really sit and think about how God gave me a nudge when I least expected it and through a simple blog post, my heart is thankful and at peace with what we are doing…even if it takes me a few hours of deep breathing and complete silence to remember.
Can I encourage you?
Maybe you are sitting on the fence like me and need just a little bit of encouragement. Maybe this homeschooling thing is the farthest thing from your mind. I get that. Nonetheless, I’m convinced it wasn’t by chance or accident you read this post today. I know it wasn’t chance or accident that I read Linny’s post all those years ago.
I can’t help but share the things that God used to nudge me. I’m proof that God changes lives and hearts! May He use our story; may He use Linny’s encouragement. Our desire is to see you doing what the Lord has called you to do, whatever that is. And friend, doing it for God’s glory!
This is so good! Fills my heart to the brim. 😉
Thank you, sweet friend!!